So, my "puny" little stockpile got an overhaul today...Finally got some order to the stockpile again. This next year, I have a goal of tripling the size of my stockpile, so I can donate more to family, friends, and those in need. I also want to get a year's worth supply of items that don't expire for us to keep at home to have for emergency back up. That's the goal at least. Toothpaste is a big one. Last year, when Kroger let you stack mfr and e-coupons, I bought several tubes, and the only time I've bought them since if if they were free. I gave alot away recently, so it looks pretty wimpy now, but mostly because I haven't had much of a budget for this type stuff since we tightened our grocery budget.
Instead, I only buy stuff when its at the 75% off pricepoint (except diapers). That has been my big saver this year. Finding a low low price and stocking up in a big way. Of course it doesn't always happen that way, and sometimes you just have to take what you can get. Like I bought 3 cans of pasta sauce and manwich last night. But it was on sale for $1(normal for sale price) but then I had a rare E coupon to go with it, for 3 of them. So that's what I bought. This time last year, I bought several boxes of pasta (for free) and we are STILL eating on it! Now I have a few cans of sauce to go with it! We especially love the veggie pasta.
I also have a goal of bulding up an actual first aid kit, not just a medicine shelf. I don't think I paid more than $2 for EVERYTHING combined,on that medicine shelf. Most of it was free after coupons and catalina deals. I've got lots of cold meds, cough drops, kleenex, ocillococcum (or however you spell it...its homeopathic flu meds for kids...good stuff), benadryl, bandaids, contact solution and lots of other stuff.
I have about a 6 month supply of shampoo/conditioner now, so the only time I need to buy it now is if it's free, or if someone I know needs it. I also want to buy 2-3 more boxes of diapers and build of a wipes stock again. I finally just bought the first diaper wipes at all since May of last year. Kroger had a mega sale and I ended up getting like 40 (I think...maybe 30??) packs of wipes for free. Anyways, we are just now back out again. But Kroger had a sale on Comforts (kroger brand ) baby items and there were tubs of wipes for like $1.69 (i think...??) and I had .60/1 coupons (3 of them) loaded to my kroger card. So now I've three boxes of wipes again.
I feel like I'm starting all over building my stockpile again, when I look at where it was at certain points over last year. But the truth of it is, if I kept it all to myself, how selfish would that be? I try to give away as much as we can part with, while still being able to be responsible as far as providing for my own family goes. I don't see couponing and having a stockpile as "hoarding" because I don't waste stuff. Everything gets used either by us, my extended family, friends or a food pantry. In fact, I had intentions of giving a good percentage of a shopping trip for canned goods over to a food pantry a while back, and we've had to fall back on it for our own use to make ends meet. So I think stockpiling makes a lot of sense. I believe that if we are responsible with our money, God will take care of us. For me, that means being financially independent. There was a time when my husband was not working and we had to rely on food stamps. I don't want to be in that position again. I think it is a good thing, and should be available for a limited time if you need it. But I think there are many out there who take advantage of the system in order to not have to do for themselves. So, truth be told, I coupon because I feel like it's the responsible thing to do. JMO.
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